Dieting, Weight Loss and Lifetime Weight Management

A study published in the January 13, 2010 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports that as of 2007/2008, 32.2% of Male Adult Americans were obese and 35.5% of Female Adult Americans were obese. Obesity in children was continuing to rise.  They studied deaths in 2004 and found the following:  Obesity related cardiovascular disease deaths were 112,159, overweight/obesity cancer related deaths were 13,839, obesity related diabetes and kidney disease accounted for 61,248.  Total deaths related to overweight/obesity that were not associated with cardiovascular disease or cancer were 105,572.

Being overweight increases risks for a number of serious health problems including

  1. cardiovascular (heart) disease
  2. stroke
  3. diabetes
  4. cancer
  5. sleep apnea
  6. osteoarthritis
  7. gallbladder disease
  8. immune system problems

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are the three biggest killers of American men and women, so the problem is not just a cosmetic one!


You must respect the power that your eating and exercise habits have on your health and appearance.


  1. Water - drink one half your weight in ounces each day. Reverse Osmosis water is best.
  2. Don't drink diet drinks containing aspartame or olestera. Aspartame promotes sweet cravings and olestera depletes the body of antioxidants.
  3. Don't eat only fat free. Be sure to use essential fatty acids. Fat burns fat. This is crucial to your health and to your bodies metabolisms. Butter, olive oil and flaxseed oil are wonderful sources of good fats.  (Taking Flax-Plex is a good source for getting the daily balance of Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids that the body requires to be healthy and promote a healthy weight.)
  4. Fiber is essential. Colon cleansing is important to pull toxins out of the body.  (Some great products you might like to try are Liquid Detox Drops, Lipo-Max, Para-Plex and/or Intesti-Plex.)
  5. Enzymes to break down foods you eat, aid digestion and elimination.  As we get older, we do not process our daily intake of foods as efficiently as we did when we were young.  (We recommend Super Digesti-Plex.)
  6. Get rid of carbohydrates. These are breads, pasta, rice, carrots and potatoes. They spike your blood sugar and store as fat. Carbohydrates = weight gain. Go off carbohydrates for 3 to 7 days to help “reset” your metabolism.  (Carb-X is a great supplement to take when planning on a meal with carbohydrates.)
  7. Exercise correctly and consistently. Cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times a week 30 minutes a day. When you exercise your body produces fat burning enzymes and when you don't exercise your body produces fat storing enzymes. You choose which you want. You must exercise at least 20 minutes to begin burning fat.  (A Portable Infrared Sauna will also help.)
  8. Manage stress - you can't lose weight if you are under stress. Check your pH.  (A good supplements to consider is Corti-Plex.)
  9. Eat 5-6 small meals a day consisting of 200-500 calories. Eat Breakfast. It is necessary to jump-start your metabolism. Five to six small meals a day are best. Smaller Main Meals equal less stress on the digestive system. Snacking keeps your metabolism in high gear.
  10. pH balancing is essential. The recommended pH is 6.0 urine and 6.5 saliva upon rising and urine should rise to 6.5 to 7.0 through the day. You must have a balanced pH to uptake iodine in the thyroid.
  11. Don't eat after 7:00 at night. Your body begins clearing out and cleaning up in the evening. Eating late in the evening causes the body to work harder. You are also able to burn off those calories better if you stop eating earlier in the evening.
  12. Don't eat fruits or other sugars after 7:00 pm.
  13. Keep a journal of what you eat.
  14. See yourself thin.


  1. Portion Control: it may not be what you're eating, but more likely how much.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables.  They are loaded with stomach filling, non-digested fiber, preferably organic
  3. Eat when you're hungry: not for other reasons; stress, boredom, anger, etc.
  4. Don't deprive yourself: taste your favorite "treats" on occasion.  Make good choices.
  5. Smaller Main Meals: less stress on the digestive system and more efficient digestion.
  6. Grass-Fed and organic meats/poultry are a better choice. 


Exercise regularly. If you are craving sweets, your body may be wanting an endorphin or serotonin rush. Regular exercise increases serotonin levels which regulates mood. Higher levels of serotonin are linked with lower levels of depression. Exercise increases your endorphins as well, which lifts your mood and boosts pain intolerance. Allowing more than 48 hours to come between your workouts is associated with a drop in mood. Even a walk around the neighborhood can boost your mood and help fight cravings.

Eat regular meals to control your blood sugar levels and to help avoid intense cravings. When you blood sugar levels drop, you feel tired, and your body looks for a quick pick-me-up. Unfortunately, a sugar laden snack is usually where you look to find that energy boost.  Taking the supplement Gluco-Plex on a regular basis can help with blood sugar fluctuations.

Drink water. Dehydration can increase your cravings for sweets.

Talk to yourself.  (No, this does not make you appear crazy!) The best way to counter cravings is to consider what eating the food will really mean to you. Yes, eating that Snickers may make you feel good for the three minutes it's in your mouth and hands, but what about later? What about when you can't fit into your favorite outfit, or you see yourself in the mirror? What about after your sugar rush, when your blood sugar levels come crashing down, and you feel sick and out of control? What about...

Allow yourself to a small treat once a week.  Note the key word here is "small"!


  1. Use Bach flowers  (Bach flowers can be found in Sta-Lean)
  2. Drink a glass of water
  3. Brush your teeth
  4. Exercise
  5. Snack on fruits and veggies
  6. Protein helps you feel full
  7. The use of Sta-Lean when the sweet cravings hit helps better control that urge.