Eating to Live Versus Living to Eat

The following is a synopsis of an article from Living Healthy Newsletter from Family Life Chiropractic Health Center.

The average diet in America is 37% fat plus tons of sugar and refined carbohydrates. So-called low fat diets average 29% fat! It really is “from your lips to your hips” or your belly or butt!

The American population, along with our health care professionals, have been lied to. The USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) is owned, run and lobbied to by the cattle industry. The USDA gave us the Food Guide Pyramid Chart in the 1950’s. It has been revised since then. However, science has proven that the chart is incorrect and harmful, despite revisions. Shouldn’t our food guides come from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) rather than the USDA?

Meat and Dairy hold the top 2 spots on the food pyramid. We have been taught that dairy affords protection against bone loss. This has not been proven by science. Fruits and vegetables do afford protection. There is more calcium in 100 calories of romaine lettuce than there is in 100 calories of milk.

We have also been told if we don’t eat enough meat we will not get enough protein or all the essential amino acids we need. This is not true. Beans/legumes are up to 25% protein. Dark leafy greens average 50% protein and both are easily digestible. Meat, however, is 50-60% protein and only about 20% absorbable and almost 40-50% fat! Even lean meat averages 20-30% fat.

The average American consumes just 7% of his food from fruits and vegetables, 42% from non-fiber animal foods and 51% from highly processed refined carbs and extracted oils – very scary!

U.S. deaths are primarily from cardiovascular disease (52%) and all kinds of cancer (38%). Just 10% of all deaths are from other types of conditions/diseases. Studies show that the lower the consumption of refined plant foods, the higher the incidence of these killer diseases. Studies have demonstrated that cancer is a long term fruit and vegetable deficiency disease. Research confirms people who avoid meat and dairy have lower instances of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and dementia.

In 1970 Americans ate 6 billion fast food meals. In 2000 the number was 110 billion! Currently, over 65% of Americans are either overweight or obese! The U.S. population today has absolutely no clue of what proper nutrition entails. The U.S. population is the most overfed, undernourished society on the planet!

We need to start eating right. Buy fruits and vegetables. The concept of a natural diet is not a theory. Over the last 10 to 15 years science and clinical studies have proven we cannot only prevent chronic degenerative diseases; we can even reverse many too.