Exercise on HCG Diet

With the increasing popularity of the HCG diet, the question of exercise comes up more and more often. One of the most attractive aspects of the HCG diet is that people seem to lose abnormal fatty deposits without having to exercise. 

It's True - No Exercise Required

First of all, it's TRUE! As mentioned above, people seem to lose abnormal fatty deposits without having to exercise.  Minerals and electrolytes are needed in a reduced calorie diet and so are they when perspiring and strenuous exercise, so it would stand to reason to supplement with these to help support the risk of mineral imbalances. It is believed that HCG with the no fat diet, helps utilize the stored fat deposits as energy and nutrition and only a limited amount of additional food is needed.

If You Really Want to Exercise on the HCG Diet...

Some dedicated exercisers have found that they can continue to exercise by taking it in moderation and adding additional minerals.

HCG Diet Exercise Recommendations

So exercise is not required while taking HCG during the HCG diet. However, being active for at least 30 minutes each day is encouraged. Low-level activity such as taking a walk and similar activities will be beneficial and helps establish a new lifestyle activity that can help continued success.