Healthy Water Tips

Drink only a few ounces with meals (4 oz. max). More than that dilutes the body’s natural digestive enzymes and undigested proteins can end up in the blood stream.

Water should be taken up to a half hour before meals and starting an hour and a half after meals.

Sip water. If you gulp it, the cells are not going to absorb enough to do their job.

The basic recommended daily amount of Clear, Pure water is half of your body weight in ounces. To determine how many ‘cups’, divide half of your weight by 8.

Example: 128 lb person. Half in ounces is 64 – divide by 8 (ounces) equals 8 cups per day

Don't drink water in regular plastic bottles. Use the dark blue hard plastic - and don't put in the sun or ever leave in hot cars!. . . since plastics can convert to bad estrogens in the body. . . you’re actually drinking a dose of estrogen!

According to many sources, it has been reported that spring water can have all sorts of toxins including heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, etc). So, a filtering system is a must. The kind you attach to your faucet or pour water through usually grows mold and fungus within several weeks.

Therefore, we suggest reverse osmosis water. An in-home system can be purchased and installed under the sink and its well worth the initial investment. This allows all water that comes from its special faucet to be the purest there is. (Ideally draining a reverse osmosis unit once each month is a good idea.)

This system takes the “chloromates” (chlorine, ammonia and fluoride . . .. carcinogenic (cancer causing) additives) out of the water that the local counties add into water. Because minerals are needed by all cellular processes of the body, we suggest you then restructure it with electrolytes / ionic trace minerals. We even use reverse osmosis water to rinse and or clean all vegetables and cookware.

I find it interesting that most Water Company’s tell us not to use this ‘chloromated’ water in fish tanks; nor to water our plants; nor to drink if you are on kidney dialysis. . . . However “it’s safe for general consumption”.

Most people do not realize that city water not only contains parasites and amoeba, but also - all medications that people urinate out (YUK!). . . all the medications that Florida ACLF’s are required to flush down the toilet for disposal purposes ( another big YUK!) . . . and the previously mentioned carcinogenic additives and probably lead from pipes!

Another interesting thing about city water is that most people think they have dry skin. However, with a filter that cleanses the chlorine out. . . . most people find dry skin completely goes away. Another interesting thing about chlorine is that a 10 minute warm shower, a person will absorb more chlorine than drinking 8 glasses of chlorinated water!!

. . . Why are 1 out of 3 people in the US getting cancer these days?. .. It actually may be in. what we are drinking and bathing in!!!