The Importance of Weighing Yourself Everyday

Research has shown that there are certain actions that result in losing weight and keeping it off. If we want to achieve these goals, why not do what successful people do?

"The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do what the unsuccessful people are not." (Author unknown)

There is no doubt that a large percentage of dieters can't keep weight off long term. You may have experienced this same problem in your weight loss attempts, or of people you know. Indeed, many weight-loss programs are simply not good programs. Perhaps knowing what successful people do will help us to change our behavior to also be successful.

Weigh Yourself Every Day

One action that can help you maintain success in losing weight is to weigh yourself every day, first thing in the morning after voiding. If you don’t have one, get a weight scale and put it in a convenient place to make this action easy. Once you have done this for a few weeks, it can become a daily habit.

Weighing yourself does several things. First, it makes you be accountable to be aware of your weight every day. Second, you will most likely see your weight will fall rather quickly. Seeing weight lost is always a motivational boost to spur you to persist and continue your weight loss program. Third, it is a method to monitor how you are doing with the program.

Once you weigh yourself, make sure you write this weight in a chart. Many people make spreadsheets for these while others like to simply write these weights down in a journal. You can also record other measurements and see how these decrease. Seeing progress is always a motivational action that works.

Remember, if you keep doing the same things that you had been doing that made you gain the excess weight, expect the same results. Learn to not make excuses, do the right thing, and change will happen and become a healthy habit for your life.

Don't Make Excuses and Create Barriers to Your Success

Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t have time to write down what I eat” or “I don’t have time to exercise.” Unfortunately, by saying this people are simply creating a “barrier” to doing the right thing. This is a major difference between successful and non-successful people. People who cast away self-perceived "barriers" to their success are much more likely to be successful maintainers. They make themselves be accountable for their actions.

Always maintain a positive expectant attitude. Say to yourself that you DO have time to write down your weight and expect to do it. Don’t give in to excuses, such as you’re too tired to write down what you do or it’s too hard to maintain an exercise routine. These rationalizations and excuses will not result in successful long term maintenance. Instead, keep yourself motivated to achieve success.

Here are the behaviors and actions that will help you be successful:

  • Don’t allow yourself to make unjustified excuses.
  • Make losing weight a priority.
  • Maintain a positive attitude to succeed.
  • Make time for yourself.
  • Weigh yourself every day.
  • Be accountable for your actions.
  • Read motivational articles and books to boost your encouragement.
  • Be persistent to be successful.
  • Never give up, give it all you can give and more.

Successful Actions Make Long Term Habits

Look and learn what successful weight loss people do. Emulate their actions and you can be successful and become a long term maintainer too.

Evaluate your present behaviors and see if you can change or improve them. If you're currently trying to lose fat weight, you can predict how good your odds are for being a successful maintainer by judging if you satisfactorily do the above successful actions.

If you're not embracing these actions within your life, then it’s time to start. Make doing them a priority every day and they will become habits.