Item # P-V-LIPO-MX
Price: $44.00

    Availability: Discontinued

    What is the Best Product to Address Belly Fat and Get Better Looking, Glowing Skin?

    Many people are surprised to learn that skin is our largest eliminative organ and as we search for the best anti-aging supplements, and help to address belly fat, we should look at products and supplements containing herbs that cleanse lipo-max-woman.jpgand rebuild the liver, like in Lipo-Max. It can help improve detoxification in order to help reduce belly fat, as well as get great looking skin! Why do we want a healthy liver if we want to have great looking, glowing skin?

    Easy! The look and feel of our skin is an OUTSIDE reflection of the INSIDE of our body and a healthy liver is pretty much at the core of good health. The liver is the only organ in the body that serves 2 completely different functions in that it detoxes waste and by-products and at the same time assimilates what we eat and sends nutrients to our cells. Taking Lipo-Max anti-aging supplement every day is a simple, yet effective way to help improve liver function and can make a big difference in better looking, glowing skin and overall better health.

    Lipo Max is a Synergistic Blend of Herbs and:

    • Supports a healthy liver and healthy gall bladder
    • Detox supplements get rid of chemicals and clear dull complexion
    • Makes skin more vibrant, better looking and more glowing
    • Improves fat metabolism, digestion, and assimilation of nutrients
    • Refer to Ingredients for the full list of herbs and their benefits

    Along with Lipo-Max, Improve Detoxification Function by:

    • Eating more organic and unprocessed foods
    • Eating more unprocessed fruits, vegetables, lean protein/whole grains
    • Drinking plenty of pure, filtered water
    • Avoiding dietary toxins including herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers
    • Limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption
    • Not smoking
    • Also using either our 7 Day Detox Cleanse Kit or 30 Day Detox Kit

    More About a Healthy Liver:

    The liver plays a role in synthesizing proteins and regulating the levels of many chemicals found in the blood and is also part of the body’s defense mechanism, producing some antibodies as well as the proteins that make up the complement system of the immune system. Other chemicals produced by the liver include fibrinogen and prothrombin for clotting and wound healing as well as cholesterol to form the membranes of cells. As the largest internal organ, the adult liver weighs in at approximately 3 – 3 ½ lbs and performs over 500 functions. Vital for digestion, the liver helps in the production of bile so we can break down and absorb dietary fats. As the ultimate recycling plant, the liver helps to filter and chemically alter poisons like environmental toxins, prescription drugs and alcohol from the bloodstream, then excrete them in bile. This amazing organ also helps to metabolize hormones, reducing their potentially damaging effects on the body. Although the liver is capable of regenerating lost tissue damaged by neglect, short-term injury or disease, repeated assault over an extended period of time can cause irreparable damage.

    • Goldenseal Root: Goldenseal contains the chemical berberine, which might have effects against bacteria and fungi. Berberine also has properties that can lower blood pressure and improve irregular heartbeats. In addition, early research suggests that berberine can lower blood sugar and “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
    • Burdock root (Actium lappa):traditionally used in Japanese herbal medicines, burdock root helps to protect the liver from damage caused by chronic alcohol consumption. This perennial herb may work through boosting antioxidant activity by restoring glutathione content in the liver. Burdock also halts production of unhealthy cells.
    • Red Clover: A wild plant containing isoflavones, plant based chemicals that have shown potential in the treatment of a number of conditions such as hot flashes, cardiovascular health, and osteoporosis.
    • Yellow Dock: Offers tonic properties that are beneficial to the digestive tract, liver and skin and in treating skin conditions associated with poor digestion, poor liver function or "toxicity".
    • Milk thistle (80% silymarin):Milk thistle has been used as a liver tonic for over 2000 years, and is known to prevent or reverse toxicity of some drug metabolites and naturally-occurring toxins. This antioxidant also promotes a healthy cell environment.
    • Beet Powder: Provides a wide range of nutrients, especially the phytochemicals betaine. Betaine helps the liver process fat. This prevents the accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver, and it also prevents excessive triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the blood.
    • Bentonite Clay: Bentonite Clay may be ideal for detoxification. It has many healing abilities due to its alkaline pH and high negative ionic charge, and it works on the entire organism by absorbing toxins before they enter the bloodstream, reducing the body’s levels of toxins.


    Recommendations: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 3 X's a day immediately before or during a meal

    Contents: 100 Capsules / 1 month supply